One of the most difficult things to do in the Church today is to teach to young people the faith in a way that is engaging and relatable. With all of the stuff that is in the lives of young people, it can be hard to present the gospel message to them. The youth of our country spend roughly 7 hours a day in a classroom and a number of hours more at home studying and doing homework so the last thing most of them want to do is come to youth group and sit for two hours listening to someone lecture them on the faith. Our Catholic faith is real and alive and so in order for it to be passed on, it must be taught in a way that is engaging and alive.
5 Step Guide to Planning a Youth Meeting
This document contains some simple tips for planning youth group nights that teach the faith through a concrete and systematic method while remaining engaging to the young people that participate.
Worksheet for Planning a Youth Meeting
Youth Ministry Curriculum Planning Guide
This document provide a simple outline on some tips and methods in planning and mapping out the year for your Youth Ministry.
This outline provides an overview of the story of salvation. The goal of this gathering is to focus in on some of the key moments of this story from creation and the fall, Old Testament figures such as Abraham, Moses, and David, the prophets, and culminating with The redemptive work of Christ and the mission of the Church.
This youth night outlines the Old Testament and focuses on the Old Testament's role as prefiguring the coming of Jesus through the various events and figures we read about.
The Gospels and Life of Christ
This outline focuses in on the coming of Christ in Scripture. Jesus' Incarnation and life are the central point of Scripture.
This outline discusses the Acts of the Apostles and focuses on the role of the Apostles following Jesus' Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
This outline focuses on the two natures of Jesus as both human and divine. The divine Son, who is fully God, became a human to enter into our human condition so that He could free us from sin and offer us a share in His divine life.
This outline is designed to provide a teaching on the Incarnation of Jesus. The Incarnation is one of the most important and fundamental beliefs of our Catholic faith as it encapsulates the humility and love of God in becoming flesh and being a human being in the person of Jesus Christ. The goal of the night is to give the students a better understanding of the Incarnation and of the virtue of humility that is at the center of this teaching.
Original Sin and the Fall of Man
This youth meeting is designed to discuss the topic of Christian morality by pointing back to the original choice by Adam and Eve that broke the moral law and led to Original Sin.
The Reality and Effects of Sin
This meeting is designed to provide an overview of the reality of sin and its effect in our life. It will also show the reality of God’s grace and the effects grace can have on us through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.